Top scholarships to apply for! Many students are searching for scholarships that offer a good stipend. We can categorize scholarships into two types one fully funded and the second one partially funded. A fully Funded scholarship promises to overcome all of your expenses while a partially funded scholarship gives a particular stipend that mainly covers tuition fees. While there is another type of scholarship that is basically a financial aid that provides assistance for a whole education career that type of scholarship is provided on basis of academic achievement or other criteria
Organizations, governments, and high-profile individuals take responsibility to fund such scholarships with the purpose of bringing revolution to today’s world.
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Top 5 scholarships cover all undergraduate, Graduate, and P.hD. Scholarships. These scholarships do not cover tuition fees only just like other scholarships. For this reason, students all through the world wish to get these scholarships. Candidates from all over the world are eligible to apply. These scholarships are really hard to be achieved. But do not worry there are a number of other scholarships that you can get if fail to manage this one. But we have compiled a list of top scholarships to apply for that are the most lucrative and highest-paid scholarships.
Top Scholarships To Apply For:
1. Miss America Scholarship
Miss America scholarship is among the highest-paid scholarships. The scholarship is considered as biggest scholarship for women in the United States. Organizations funds millions of dollars at the local, state and national levels. As per Miss America, $6 Million were raised in 2014. Apply now.
2. Bill Gates Scholarship Program:
Foreigner Students can have a high-paying scholarship in form of the Bill Gates scholarship program. Gates Foundation gives one of the most valuable scholarships in the world. Gates Foundation offers 1400 fully-funded scholarships to Cambridge University. The scholarship covers all residence, health expenses, monthly stipends, and travel tickets. Apply now.
3. UK Commonwealth Scholarship:
Highest paid scholarship in the United Kingdom and the UK is considered as one of the best places for study abroad. 600 scholarships are awarded to international students who come abroad to study in the United Kingdom. The scholarship promises visas, residence, health expenses, monthly stipends, and travel tickets up to the completion of the degree. Apply now.
4. UK Chevening Scholarship:
Chevening scholarship also has significant importance while considering top scholarships. Chevening University invites international students to apply for a Chevening scholarship. The scholarship is funded by United Kingdom Government and is boundless of boundaries students from any nation can apply. 1650 scholarships were awarded in 2022.
5. Coca Cola Scholars Scholarships:
Top scholarships to apply for. More than 14,00 students get Coca-Cola awards scholarships worth $3.45 million each year. Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation is among the largest scholarship foundations. Apply now.
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